Glorifying God in a Glimpse

On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google, or any other social media outlets…We see just glimpses of one another’s lives. A glance into each other’s lives can point our family, friends and “followers” to the Lord and to His Word; in the lighthearted or hilarious moments, when life is rough or on smooth days, through our struggles and even if we have found ourselves in a pit.

The fact is, we are quickly nearing the end of the Beginning. Jesus is coming soon! These days of technology are days of opportunity like never before. We are able to reach out to one another far and wide, all over the globe.

With the power of the Holy Spirit as our guide, I pray we/I redeem the time and use our opportunities wisely. Let’s choose to serve God everywhere, including online. Encourage one another and build each other UP in the LORD!

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. ~Ephesians 5:15-17

Rejoice with them

That do rejoice.
And weep with them
That weep. ~Romans 12:15

Now therefore fear the Lord,
and serve Him in sincerity and in truth:
and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood,

and in Egypt;
and serve ye the Lord.
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood,
or the gods of the Amorites,
in whose land ye dwell:
but as for me and my house,  
we will serve the Lord. ~Joshua 24:14-15

More passages to ponder:
1 Thessalonians chapter 4
Ephesians chapter 5

Bible Study Tips ~ Day One ~ Habits

This is the first post in a series of tips and encouragements that have been a blessing to me in studying my Bible and having a daily Quiet Time (Devotions).

Read Your Bible

When your Quiet Time takes place is up to you. Consider your family’s daily routine and schedule. It will also vary depending on what season of life you are in. For sure, whenever I was the mother of babies, awake throughout the night, my Quiet Time was not the same as it is now. In a world full of people to love, work to do and distractions to avoid, time to be quiet with the Lord is challenging. But it is possible. Try this! For one week observe your routine and ask the Lord to show you portions of your day when you could have special time with Him. It might be one large period of time or smaller periods throughout the day.

Here is an example that might help you get started. Start the first 15 minutes or half hour of your day, depending upon how early you get up, by praying and reading a passage; take a few minutes at lunch to review your morning verses (maybe have them written on an index card or on your cell phone); then before you go to sleep thank Him for the day He has made and review your verses again.


We need focused, concentrated time to be still and take all our praises and personal cares to the Lord each day. Some like to keep a journal of their prayers or a notebook where they keep a prayer list. You could keep your church prayer bulletin handy each day for prayer times or use a basket or box of notecards with needs and names on them. One year I was wondering what to do with all the photo Christmas cards we receive every season. So I decided to fill up a pretty tin with pictures of our family, friends, and missionary prayer cards so we can pull out several each night to pray for. We keep it on the coffee table. For those we don’t have a picture of I wrote their names on a 3×5 card and put it in the box. Don’t forget your Pastors and their families, your church family, your child’s (or grandchildren’s) school and all the people who influence them each day, your civic leaders, those in authority and civil servants, our military and their families, missionaries and ministries all over the world.

We should also remember that our prayer closet can be anywhere. Make it a habit to speak to Him as your head hits the pillow each night and again before your feet hit the floor the next morning. Talk with Him in the shower, making the bed, sorting, switching and folding the laundry, at the kitchen sink or while stirring at the stove, driving the car, in the grocery store, anywhere and everywhere. When we had babies in the house, I remember talking with Him while making bottles, rocking, feeding and diapering, etc, especially in the middle of the quiet nights. Those actually were some of the most precious, close times with Him! It’s wonderful that He is always awake!

Memorize Scripture

Another thing that has has had a huge impact on my life is memorizing Scripture. I found that the actual process of learning the Passage or verse is the part that has the biggest impact, because that is when I am meditating on it the most. When I read that verse or passage over and over again, rehearse it again and again in my mind, prepare a Memory Trigger Sheet (for memorizing whole chapters), speak it out loud, write it out on index cards, tape it on the mirror, the kitchen window, on the passageways throughout the house, on the dashboard of our car Scott10 van, (stoplights are great opportunities to rehearse verses) and then reach those little Woo-Hoo break-throughs when I finally get a phrase down and I can finally begin tying it all together, through this entire process the Word of God is changing me and lifting me up out of my temporal concerns. Memorizing Bible verses and passages keeps your mind filled with good things! (Philippins 4:8)

An amazing thing takes place when we are meditating on The Word of God, the earthly and the Eternal begin to intertwine, and seem to blend together. Even the menial earthly tasks transform into worship, or even an altar. When we hide God’s Word in our hearts It is there for us even when we think we’ve forgotten It. It is tucked away and often God will bring it to our minds in the future at just the perfect time!

In closing today, I urge you to determine to make some time to be with the Lord a huge priority in your daily life. It is a habit to be formed, a discipline, for sure. Yet, I promise, you can trust that God will bless the time you give to be with Him. Please don’t let yourself get discouraged when you miss a day, a week, or even a month. Discouragement is like a sinking ship. Before you know it you’ll hit rock bottom. So just look to the Lord and get back at it right away! Don’t count on your feelings. They will almost always lead you down the wrong path. Just do right and trust God for the rest.

More Bible study and Quiet Time tips yet to come. If you do not want miss any of these posts, you can sign up on the sidebar at “follow blog via email”.

Walking with Jesus,


Related Articles:
Bible Study Tips ~ Day 2 ~ Bible Study Notebook
Bible Study Tips ~ Day 3 ~ My Bible, My Notebook
Bible Study Tips ~ Day 4 ~ Pray
Bible Study Tips ~ Day 5 ~ S.O.A.P. & Psalms

At Home with the Hymns

🎼 I’ll always love the old hymns! I’m so happy that we still sing them at HBCIndy, my church, handing them down from generation to generation. The lyrics of the great hymns are rich and profound, straight and true and full of doctrine. Many were written from the deepest depths of trial and tribulation or at the tip top height of triumph. The words soothe my soul time and time again whether at the stove or my writing desk, in the laundry room or pushing my vacuum, rocking a child or in the pew. 🎶 I’ve often propped the hymn book right there next to the stove on the stand meant to hold my cookbook so I can sing all the verses while I’m chopping and stirring. The power of worship in the everyday mundane is transforming and beautiful.

Growing in grace,
Melissa Scott