Philippians 4:8 It!


I love Philippians 4:8’s eight things to think about! What a plain, clear list that is simple to comprehend and apply! Not only do we have to be careful what we think about, but we have to realize that this list specifies what we are to feed our minds!

When I was a girl, my sweet Grandma Lindsey always told me, “Garbage in, garbage out.”! Soooo…let’s be careful to only give our time to, set our minds on, watch, have conversations, and read things that are


Don’t be silly and say, well, “it is true”. It may be true, but if it’s not also pure or right, etc. then we are not to dwell on it, or fixate our minds on it. Some things just aren’t worth spending our thoughts on, according to the Scriptures.

I need to make sure that I filter all things through Philippians 4:8. How about movies and tv shows? Would what you watch pass muster? Would what you read or look at or engage in online hold up against the Philippians 4:8 Thought List? Would your online, text, or face to face conversations be considered holy, right, lovely, and praiseworthy?

Perhaps your vocation requires you to consume news or information that is not praiseworthy or it is even evil. Ask the Lord to guard your mind and bless you with wisdom, discernment and peace. Then all other times, fill your mind with things that are excellent, admirable, true, holy, lovely, just, pure, and things that are worthy of our praise!

Have an excellent week, my friends!

Growing in grace,


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