Turn Your Whine into Worship

It is sinful, human nature to gripe about things. But, it is dangerous. Whining and complaining is like a nasty disease that will spread quickly and violently if it’s not treated right away! And we all know that once we have developed a bad habit it is not easy to turn it around! The sooner we can catch that nasty habit, and do something about it, the better!

Children seem to be especially prone to whining, and sadly many never outgrow it. Parents have to train them that they do not get what they want by whining but by being grateful and we have to train them to look for and see their blessings. At our house, with the Lord’s help, we’ve tried to think of ways we can discipline ourselves to worship instead of whine. Here are some new habits we are developing in our family.

*** Every time we pray before we ask the Lord for anything we first thank Him for something! This is a great way to train ourselves to see our blessings and praise the Lord for all He has done! God inhabits the praises of His people! That is where He lives, and dwells! And, it’s wonderful how gratitude always radically changes our outlook, our perspective…an added blessing!

*** When any of us is griping, or grumbling about anything, such as, their sister, their friend, their food, cleaning their room, putting their laundry away, loading the dishwasher, their schoolwork, their hair, their toys, not feeling well, the many chores of homemaking and motherhood, or whatever it is, then we stop and say “Do not complain about your blessings!”. When we look at what’s bothering us in a different light then we realize that we are really complaining about our blessings.

What if something happened to that precious sister, family member or friend!

What if we only had beans and rice as our one and only meal of the day or what if we had no food at all! What if we couldn’t make that trip to the grocery store with all those heavy bags to unload into the trunk then unload them again into the house then unload them again into the pantry? It’s all a blessing!!!


Some children would love to have a bedroom to clean with a bed of soft, warm covers and a pillow to make up, and clothes, shoes, toys and games to pick up and put away! And what a blessing that we are healthy enough to do these tasks!

What a blessing to have soap and hot water to wash dishes and an added blessing to have a machine that cleans them for us! And by the way, we have a machine for just about anything…we have machines that wash and dry the clothes, wash and dry the dishes, cook the food when and how we tell it to, sweep the floors! And when there are dishes to wash and a kitchen to clean that’s a sure reminder that there was food to eat and family or friends to share and enjoy a meal with!!!

There are children in the world that long to go to school and learn! There are children and adults who only dream of having shelves full of books to read anytime they want, school supplies and workbooks and pencils and paper and crayons and computers! My goodness! And what else? Eyes to see, ears to hear, hands and fingers to write, a mind to think.



And most of the time whatever we are going through, whatever illness or condition, we can always be so thankful it is not worse than it is.

On and on we can go, because our blessings are so rich and bountiful when we think about how much we don’t do without and the multitude of annoyances, trials or horrors we do not have to endure!!! We have nothing to complain about and much, much, much to be thankful for!!!

*** Lastly, the newest habit we are implementing is this. As soon as one of us starts whining we stop them and immediately they must say, “A blessing I am thankful for is______________.” This turns our whine into worship right away!

It’s so good to share new ideas for living out God’s Word in a real way! What are ways that you have turned whine into worship? Has it become a way of life for you, for your family?

Walking with Jesus &
Growing in grace,

~photos courtesy of Amazima Ministries

Change My Heart, O, God!
Amazima Ministries
Amazima Ministries blog
Kisses from Katie blog
A Harvest of What is Yet to Come

A Boost from Ephesians


Good Morning as we kick off the final week of our Ephesians Bible study/book club w/Eph 6:10-12!

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Until the Lord returns let us all continually be strengthened by His mighty power!

It is imperative that we arm ourselves with the equipment God has provided in order for us to stand in the battle against the devil’s schemes.

While it may appear our enemy is mankind, it is not. Our enemy is the devil and his workers. This is a spiritual battle for eternal souls!

Therefore, let’s stop fighting one another, especially at home, remember these conflicts we face daily are only temporal.

What really matters is Eternity!

So, when I’m in a struggle, I’ll keep putting on the whole armor of God & then ask myself…in light of Eternity does this really matter!?!

Good Morning Girls ~ Ephesians ~ Week 10


Good morning,

What gorgeous weather we are enjoying in Indiana! Praise the Lord ~ God controls the weather! There’s no such thing as “mother nature”. I’m so grateful for our living, loving God Who is a genuis designer and Creator of all things! By Him all things exist! He is worthy of all credit, all praise!

Here are our notes from the past week of studying Ephesians every morning. May you be blessed and changed as you have been and continue to study God’s Word! Can you believe there are only two and a half weeks left in the book of Ephesians?! I can hardly wait to see what book we will be walking through for the next 12 week study, can you?! Have a precious day, my friends! Love to you all!

~Walking with Jesus,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Good Morning!:) Today in Eph 5:28-30 a great encouragement for husbands & wives is this…Just as the church is part of Jesus’ body, the wife is part of her husband’s body. I like this in the notes from my KJV Nelson study Bible: “The husband who loves his wife brings much profit to himself.” God’s ways are always true, always wonderful, always good, always blessed! 🙂

Monday & Tuesday, March 19 & 20, 2012
Good Morning! Eph 5:21-24 & 25-27 (I’m a doubling up today) Did you know that marriage is a symbol or picture of the church? No pressure, right? But God has it all in perfect order. His way is THE way! The joyful way! The happy way! The Heavenly way! O taste & see that He is good! His way is puzzling to the world, even maddening. But to the Christian, God through His Son Jesus Christ, has proven Himself, His love. I want to enjoy God’s gift of marriage! I want my home to reflect Jesus and His love…a bit of Heaven on earth!

Friday, March 16, 2012
Give thanks always for all things.
Give thanks always for all things.
Give thanks always for all things.
Give thanks always for broken glass on my counter, for dirty clothes on the floor, for little girls arguing, for whining 1st grader who doesn’t want to read, for daughter crying tears because she doesn’t want to help her little sister (really?)…
Give thanks always for all things.
Help me, LORD, help me to be under Your influence, help me just follow these verses, & help me thank You for all of these things in Jesus’ name!
(Eph 5:18-20)

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Good Morning Girls! 🙂 Eph 5:15-17 is such a great encouragement! See to it/Make sure you live carefully, wise; not as a fool! Because? These days are evil! Make the most of the time & the opportunities we have & understand or be clear about the Lord’s will…that NO ONE perish; that all believe on the Lord Jesus; that ALL will be saved! Amen!


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